
Status updates or news about the project are also published on the websites of the project partners:

Demonstrations of the developed services and automated on-street parking are planned within the test field Hamburg as well as during the ITS World Congress in Hamburg in 2021. The city of Hamburg is engaged to promote research on automated driving and vehicle communication with their equipped test route along the city

The ParkXCongress, a conference series specialized on future trends in the field of (automated) parking, is taking place in September 2020 in Hamburg. The conference offers the possibility to network with other stakeholders within the parking field and include a status update presentation of UrbanSmartPark

The project leader NFF offers a broad variety of research competencies, including the field of automated valet parking with the ongoing public-funded project SynCoPark, targeting the standardization of automated valet parking considering complementary levels of intelligence provided by the infrastructure and the vehicle